Search Page

Adding query parameters to the base ParkWhiz url enables routing to pre-filtered search results.


Changing the route allows for greater customization of what visual content is returned on the search page. Some query parameters will require the use of an additional route to function properly.

Destination Title#

To change the destination title within the location listing (i.e. the “Parking Near [Location]” title), add the route /destination/{name}, with name being a dash or space separated, capitalized phrase of your choice.


Entirely lowercase titles separated with dashes will result in the page redirecting to a 404.

Query Parameters#

ParameterTypeDescriptionRequires Destination Title Route
couponStringCoupon code, auto-applied at checkoutx
endISO 8601 TimestampParking End Time, with offset
latFloatThe latitude of the destination
lngFloatThe longitude of the destination
location_idList[Integer]Arrive Location ID(s)
pwaStringAffiliate Codex
seller_idList[Integer]Arrive Seller ID(s)
startISO 8601 TimestampParking Start Time, with offset
tm_event_idStringTicketmaster Event IDx

Affiliate and Coupon#

Use these options to attribute purchases from the web link to your partner association. Both affiliate codes and coupons do not need to be paired with a destination title route and apply over all link types.

Affiliate codes must be used to track affiliate bookings and revenue in the Affiliate Portal transactional system. The affiliate code will look something similar to pa-23 or 5d849483 and can be found within the Affiliate Portal.

couponStringCoupon code, auto-applied at checkout
pwaStringAffiliate Code
<a href="{coupon}&pwa=#{affiliate_code}">
Buy Discounted Parking on ParkWhiz


Geolocation options control the location in which to search parking. Without a start and/or end time inputted the search page will default to the current time, rounded to the nearest half hour, with a duration of 2 hours.

latFloatThe latitude of the destination
lngFloatThe longitude of the destination
<a href="">
Chicago Parking

Try It Out!


Example Geolocation Button


ID options can filter what results show based on seller, destination, or event. Filtering off of an event does not require the Destination Title route.

location_idList[Integer]Arrive Location ID(s)
seller_idList[Integer]Arrive Seller ID(s)
tm_event_idStringTicketmaster Event ID
<a href="{lat}&long=#{long}&start=#{start}&end=#{end}&location_id=#{location_id}">
Chicago Parking at Specified Location
<a href="{lat}&long=#{long}&start=#{start}&end=#{end}&seller_id=#{seller_id}">
Chicago Parking at Specified Seller
<a href="{tm_event_id}">
Parking for Ticketmaster Event

Try It Out!


Example Seller and Location Filters


Time options filter what results show by when the user is looking to book parking. Time options must be used with a Destination Title route as well as the lat and lng query parameters.


Your start and end times should be formatted with offset, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM-HH:MM

endISO 8601 TimestampParking End Time, with offset
startISO 8601 TimestampParking Start Time, with offset
<a href="{lat}&lng=#{long}&start=#{start}&end=#{end}">
Chicago Parking at Specified Location

Try It Out!


Example Seller and Location Filters

Last updated on by David Gwizdala