Venues and Events
The Venues and Events routes are SEO-optimized redirects that can land users in experiences pre-catered to the type of parking they’re searching for. Venues and Events pages are accessed by a custom route and can be further customized through query parameters.
Event Listing (Venue Page)Each Venue in the Arrive system that has upcoming event parking has their own Venue Page on the ParkWhiz website. This page includes:
- A short description of the venue
- An image, if provided by the venue
- The venue’s location
- A list of all upcoming events, ordered by date, and their parking availability
- A search bar and filter specific to the venue’s events
If there are no upcoming events for the venue, the page will redirect to transient (non-event reservation) parking around the venue for the current day.
RoutingThere are two ways to retrieve the route for a Venue Page:
- Go to the page directly from
- Using the API
To retrieve the url route include the site_url field within a GET /venues request.
FilteringUse query parameters to pre-filter the event listing page to a subset of events, locations, or sellers.
Parameter | Type | Filter by |
event_name | String | Events with titles that contain the specified text |
location_id | List[Integer] | Arrive Location ID(s) |
seller_id | List[Integer] | Arrive Seller ID(s) |,12361
Singular Event FilteringEvents within the Arrive system are pre-established, static ranges of time associated with the Venue. Events can range from sports games, concerts, day-long ski sessions, and more.
Redirecting to a particular event lands users on a prefiltered map page displaying all possible purchase options encompassing the timing of the Event, including event-exclusive prices.
RoutingUse the event’s url route to redirect to its corresponding event page.
Like the Venue page, there are two ways to retrieve the route for an Event:
- Go to the page directly from the event’s Venue Page
- Using the API
To retrieve the url route include the site_url field within a GET /events request.
You can retrieve a list of all events and their site urls for a venue using GET /venues/{venue_id}/events
FilteringUse query parameters to filter the event page by a subset of sellers and locations.
Parameter | Type | Filter by |
location_id | List[Integer] | Arrive Location ID(s) |
seller_id | List[Integer] | Arrive Seller ID(s) |
AirportsAirports are another form of Venue in the Arrive system. Rather than displaying a calendar view of events, airports redirect to a map view that includes:
- A pre-filled, day-long parking period
- Quick filters for covered/uncovered, self-park, and valet options
- Shuttle information to and from the airport
- Terminal-specific travel information
- A custom location details view with quick purchase button
RoutingSince Airports are Venues you can use the same steps to retrieve their url routes as described in the Event Listing section.
- Go to the page directly from
- Using the API
To retrieve the url route include the site_url field within a GET /venues request.
If you’re searching through a list of venues (e.g. when searching by venue name instead of venue ID), include the enhanced_airport
field and filter results to when it is true
FilteringUse query parameters to filter the airport parking by a start and end time.
Parameter | Type | Filter by |
start | ISO 8601 Timestamp | Parking start time |
end | ISO 8601 Timestamp | Parking end time |