General Options

General options allow greater levels of customization within the widget, regardless of what UI Components are enabled. This reference details the general options available as well as provides widget examples to see the general options in application.


General options are provided as additional query parameters to the URL of the widget and can be applied to any UI Component. Since these options are configured within the URL of the widget (via the iFrame or WebView), any changes will require a code update and deployment.

Additional options can be added per UI component. See UI Components for more details.

The following general options, sorted by category, are available for use in the widget.

Query Parameters#

access-tokenStringThe user's access token, used to authenticate them into their ParkWhiz Experience
coupon-codeStringAutomatically apply a coupon code
default-currencyStringThe default currency to display within the widget. Options are USD (Default), and CAD
destination-event-idIntegerArrive Event ID(s)
destination-latitudeFloatThe latitude of the destination
destination-location-idList[Integer]Arrive Location ID(s)
destination-longitudeFloatThe longitude of the destination
destination-venue-idIntegerArrive Venue ID
display-feesBooleanDisplays buyer fees to user
display-savingsBooleanDisplays original price with a strikethrough
durationISO 8601 durationTime spent in space
endISO 8601 timestampParking end time
map-zoomIntegerMapbox Zoom
parkwhiz-opens-in-new-tabBooleanDefault True Opens ParkWhiz in a new tab upon location selection if checkout is not enabled
pricing-access-code-exclusiveBooleanFilter results to only display pricings attributed to the specified PAC(s)
pricing-access-codesList[String]Display pricings attributed to the specified PAC(s)
pwaStringAffiliate Code
search-mobile-onlyBooleanLocations that do not require a printed pass
search-radiusFloatDefault 0.5 The radius, in miles
seller-idList[Integer]Arrive Seller ID(s)
startISO 8601 timestampParking start time
ticketmaster-event-idStringTicketmaster Event ID
title-override-textStringOverrides the "Book Parking Near ..." text in the header. Use a space character to make the header blank
utm-contentStringSet to the PW, StubHub, or TM venue id if a destination-venue-id exists. If there is no destination venue ID but there is a seller ID then seller ID will be passed.
utm-mediumStringIf an affiliate code is passed into the widget then this will be blank, otherwise it will be set to Unpaid
utm-sourceStringSet to the affiliate code if the affiliate code is passed into the widget, otherwise it must be set as the URL where the widget will be embedded. Left blank if the 'site name' and 'affiliate code' are blank.
utm-termStringDefaulted to Widget. This UTM can be passed in and it won't be overridden.

Geolocation and Search Radius#

Geolocation and search radius options control the location, search area, and map window.


Use location parameters to set the destination and automatically calculate distance to parking options.

destination-latitudeFloatThe latitude of the destination
destination-longitudeFloatThe longitude of the destination

Search Radius#

Use the search-radius to update the distance of which the widget will search for parking, with a maximum radius of 50 miles.

search-radiusFloatDefault 0.5 The radius, in miles

Zoom Level#

Coupled with the Map UI Component, use the zoom level to change the level of visual zoom the map has from the inputted location. By default, the widget will set the default zoom level to encompass the nearest 10 pins.

map-zoomIntegerMapbox Zoom

Pricing Access Codes#

Pricing Access Codes (PACs) are private keys that surface hidden pricings. PACs can be used to create restricted pricing types for user groups such as employee parking or discounted season ticket pricings.

pricing-access-code-exclusiveBooleanFilter results to only display pricings attributed to the specified PAC(s)
pricing-access-code-override-availabilityBooleanAllows the widget to disregard the availability returned from the API. This will only apply if a PAC is specified.
pricing-access-codesList[String]Display pricings attributed to the specified PAC(s)

Pricing Display#

Pricing display options change how pricing is shown to the user, such as currency or buyer fees.


The widget supports setting default currency to USD and CAD, with the default being USD.

Setting a default currency will change what currency symbol appears throughout the widget. The following symbols appear depending on default currency:


With the exception of the map pins, currency symbols are applied in all places where a pricing appears including location list cards, pre-checkout, guest checkout, and on the purchase confirmation page. Map pins will always show $ with the price.


Users will be able to checkout using the Guest Checkout UI Component regardless of whether the location's currency is in USD or CAD.

default-currencyStringThe default currency to display within the widget. Options are USD (Default), and CAD

Display Savings and Fees#

The widget can display savings and buyer fees throughout the experience to the user. Displaying savings will show the original price with a strikethrough within the Map and Location List UI Components, as long as drive-up pricing is available. Displaying buyer fees will display base price pre-checkout, and then base price, fees, and total on checkout.

display-feesBooleanDisplays buyer fees to user
display-savingsBooleanDisplays original price with a strikethrough

Search Filters#

Search filters control what parking information is shown to your users. This includes filters such as seller, location, venue, and event identifiers.


Events options can filter what results show by Arrive or Ticketmaster IDs based on the event. Event filters are mainly coupled with the Events UI Components.

ParameterTypeFilter by
destination-event-idIntegerArrive Event ID(s)
ticketmaster-event-idStringTicketmaster Event ID


Locations options can filter what results show by Arrive IDs based on the seller, destination, or venue. For a list of Arrive IDs related to your venue, parking locations, or events please reach out to your Partner Success Manager.

ParameterTypeFilter by
seller-idList[Integer]Arrive Seller ID(s)
destination-location-idList[Integer]Arrive Location ID(s)
destination-venue-idIntegerArrive Venue ID
search-mobile-onlyBooleanLocations that do not require a printed pass


Time options can filter what results show by when and how long the user is looking to book parking. These parameters can be overridden by the Time Picker UI Component.

ParameterTypeFilter by
startISO 8601 timestampParking start time
endISO 8601 timestampParking end time
durationISO 8601 durationTime spent in space

Tracking and Affiliate#

Tracking and affiliate options let the partner track their purchases via their own platform(s), Arrive analytics, and attribution within the affiliate portal.

Affiliate and Coupon#

Use these options to attribute purchases through the widget to your partner association.


Affiliate codes must be used to track affiliate bookings and revenue in the Affiliate Portal transactional system. The affiliate code will look something similar to 'pa-23' or '5d849483', and can be found within the Affiliate Portal.

pwaAffiliate Code
coupon-codeAutomatically apply a coupon code


The widget leverages standard UTM parameters for tracking. Several values are set by default and used for our own internal analytics.

utm-mediumIf an affiliate code is passed into the widget then this will be blank, otherwise it will be set to Unpaid
utm-termDefaulted to Widget. This UTM can be passed in and it won't be overridden.
utm-sourceSet to the affiliate code if the affiliate code is passed into the widget, otherwise it must be set as the URL where the widget will be embedded. Left blank if the 'site name' and 'affiliate code' are blank.
utm-contentSet to the PW, StubHub, or TM venue id if a destination-venue-id exists. If there is no destination venue ID but there is a seller ID then seller ID will be passed.


UI/UX options control how the widget displays and interacts with the user.

parkwhiz-opens-in-new-tabBooleanDefault True Opens ParkWhiz in a new tab upon location selection if checkout is not enabled
title-override-textStringOverrides the "Book Parking Near ..." text in the header. Use a space character to make the header blank

User Authentication#

If you'd like your users to be logged in when using the widget, you can pass in their access token (generated via the API). This enables users to:

  • Access and use their saved payment information on checkout
  • Bypass the login screen when accessing their bookings
  • Maintain an authenticated section throughout the widget experience
access-tokenStringThe user's access token, used to authenticate them into their ParkWhiz Experience
Last updated on by Elijah Guerrero